Monday, October 17th, 2011
I decided to change my week a little bit to see if I took a day to stretch, foam roll, and to relax a little bit if my quad would feel better. So I decided to do my 'Tuesday squat session' this evening so that tomorrow I could really focus on getting loose and foam rolling.
Morning Session(10:30am):
Bench Press: 400 x 5 x 5sets
Handstand Holds 40s x 4 sets
w T-bar Chins x 26
X 4 sets
Evening Session(8:15pm):
CAT Squat: 455+chains@60lbs x 5 x 6 sets in under 25 minutes
Tuesday, October 18th, 2011
FOAM Rolling on the quads x 50 passes each leg
w GHD situp x 15
w Inverted ring rows x 35
Clearly I am not good at taking days off and I went far too aggressively with the foam rolling. My left quad(the good quad) developed a crazy new pain not allowing me to squat or even raise my knee towards my chest. I believe that I have simply worked out some bad kinks... as when I went to see a specialist to massage and treat my legs, one of my calves hurt so much I could barely walk and my original injuries were highly aggravated...injuries were much much worse...and then a few days later everything felt great.
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
Bench Press: 365+chains@60 x 5 x 5 sets
Handstand Holds x 40s x 4sets
Thursday, October 20th, 2011
Conventional Deadlifts: 245x5, 335x3, 425x2, 515x1, 605x1, (add belt) 675 x 1 x 6-7 singles (I lost count).
DB bent over rows: 165 x 25 x 1 set each arm
Upside Down Ring Shrugs: 1 set of 140 reps ( hands went numb and got dizzy)
Strict GHD situp(curl up): 4 sets of 20
Friday, October 21st, 2011
Bench Press: 405 x 1 (shoulder felt odd...decided to switch to our new Incline bench)
Incline Bench Press: 140kg x 5 x5 sets (using olympia bumpers which are not calibrated and much heavier, fe;t a little more like 345-355lbs)
Handstand Holds x 40s x 4 sets
StrictWideGripChins: 33 x4 sets
Saturday, October 22nd, 2011
Very quick session..had duck out for a wedding.
CAT Squat: 475+chains@60lbs x 5 x 5 sets in under 25 minutes
wore my rehbands for this one. :)
Monday, October 24th, 2011
Bench Press: 365lbs x 8, 8, 8, 7, 6
CloseGripIncline bench: 275 x 11 x 3 sets
Handstand Holds x 40s
w SWGChins: 33
X 3 sets
Tuesday, October 25th, 2011
Since my right quad is healing slowly, I thought I'd deadlift twice this week and squat once.
Conventional DL: 695lbs x 1 x 3 sets, downset 625 lbs x 6 (tried to get video but camera stopped working mid set....)
GHD sit ups: 3 sets of 20
Inverted Ring Shrugs: 1 set of 140
*****Oddly, I am thrown off of the calendar by switching my days...I know MON WED FRI as Bench days, TUES SAT as Squat days, THURS as DL days. Is today Thursday?