Monday, August 20, 2012

T-LOG: MONaug13-SATaug18

Monday, August 13th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x7, 185x7, 225x7, 275x5, 315x5, 365x5x5, 315x10x2, 250x20x2

Bi and Tri work.

Tuesday, August 14th, 2012

Front Squats: 145x5. 235x3. 325x2
BackSquats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 570x1, (add belt) 615x1, 655 x 3 x 4 sets

**I hate 655 for triples.  When I injured my rec fem two summers ago it was on this exact needless to say, with that in the back of my mind...i didn't want to fuck up today.  I hurt my rec fem when I failed a lift and instead of leaning forward and placing the weight on the safety pins I sat straight down and it loaded my hips too hard..
Willie was at the gym so I had a spot...this took away the worry of that happening.  The sets were not easy.  At no point did I ever feel like I would lose a rep but only a couple of them flew up the way I'd had hoped for all of them to have.  After 4 sets I wasn't sure if I should go for a 5th set or spotter was leaving...that made up my mind for me.  

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x7, 185x7, 225x7, 275x5, 315x5, 315+chains x 6 x 6, 225+chains x 15 x 3

Bi and Tri work.

Thursday, August 16th, 2012
Conventional Deadlifts: 155x4, 245x3, 335x2, 425x2, 515x2, 605x1, 675x1, 720x-, 605+60lbs chains x 3 x 6 sets
GHD sit ups: 3 sets of 20
Inverted Ring Shrugs 2 sets of 100
Ring Pull ups: 3 x 20 reps
**I simply had no gas in the tank today.  No fire on the pull.  So i backed off to 80% and threw some chains on.  This was good practice for me.  My stroke in this round back DL style is getting inconsistent and doing lighter weights is good practice for me.  I may keep next week in the 80% plus chains realm as well to work on the start position.  My hips are sinking too low and I'm not maximizing my leverages...I simply have got to build confidence off the floor...

Friday, August17th, 2012
Bench Press(with 40lbs chains): 135x7, 185x7, 225x7, 275x5, 315x5, 365x3x6 sets, 315x8x3, 225x18x2

Bi and Tri Work.

Saturday, August 18th, 2012
I went to see Expendibles 2 last night.  Fucking awesome movie for anyone who's grown up watching ANY badass action movie from my generation...literally has every single dude in it.  Ridiculous, but entertaining.  I was in a rush to see the movie so I didn't get a full meal in me...and I did what unprepared(prepared to fail) people do...I bought shit food.  2 double burgers from burger king at the movie theatre.  Fast forward to crouching over the toilet dry heaving just fucking wishing that something would come the fuck out...and then sitting on the throne...wishing that something would come the fuck out...  cold sweats, pale, feeling like I'm going to faint... fuck...sounds like a major case of pusseidos...long story short...a few pounds lighter and a ton of sweating.....i spent the night sleeping curled up on the floor half in the washroom half in the stairway of my home.....
I woke up around 930 feeling somewhat normal...extremely dehydrated weighing in at 220.5....mixed up a ton of gatorade, drank as much of it as I could...and went back to sleep...  2pm....back and abs achy from hyper contracting all night..but the cold sweats are gone and the stomach pains are nil.... WWKKD??  (What Would Kirk Karwoski Do??)  He would go squat.  
***On deadlift day 'WWKKD'...the KK wouldn't be Capt Kirk, but obvi Konstantin Konstantinovs.

Front Squats: 145x5. 235x3. 325x2

BackSquats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, 645x1, 685 x 1 x 5 sets
Ring Pull ups: 3 sets fo 20
Ab roller: 2 sets of 20
**I'm fucking glad I manned up and went to squat.  Sweet session.  Hatebreed and Heavyweights...killed.

Monday, August 13, 2012

T-LOG: WEDaug8-SATaug11

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x6, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6, 315x4, 345x4, 365x4x6sets, 250x20x2  **PLENTY OF STRETCHING AND REAR DELT WORK IN BETWEEN SETS

Biceps and Tricep work...curls n shit and triceps extensions...the bb type of shit that I am simply too ashamed to write down.  But hopefully strengthening the biceps will help with the shoulder issue.

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Conventional Deadlift: (off 2 mats) 155x4, 245x3, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (add belt, off floor) 655x1, 700 x 1 x 3 sets, 515x8x2 sets   ***My deads were fucking rough today.  I was hoping for at least 5 singles today and instead the 3rd set was a nightmare.  I can feel my technique slipping away.  I am constantly trying to drive with my legs too much rather than trusting in my posterior chain.  That ass is getting too fucking low in the start position and I don't notice it until I do my rep work with 515 at the end.  So I think I need to add more reps in my warm up and I need to really focus on getting my hips higher.  I think if I weren't training alone this might have been caught early...but is king...and I got rework.
A LITTLE DEADLIFT MOTIVATION...My buddy Dan Green whom I will be competing against at Clash for Cash.

GHD sit ups: 3 sets of 15

Inverted Ring Shrugs x 150

Friday, August 10th, 2012

For the first time in a long time I have a training partner today.  Willie is crossfitting and Kade has been working a lot lately and training on his own schedule.  Kade's off work today...I get a spotter... So I thought I would try seeing how I do with some actual weight in the BP.
Bench Press: 135x7, 185x7, 225x7, 275x4, 315x3, 345x3, 365x3, 385x2, 405x1, 425x1, 385x2x5 sets, 315x10x2, 250x18x2
**The 425 single was rough.  Usually I am very strong off the chest and have trouble with the lockouts but, with the shoulder injury, I am very slow bringing the bar down and not very explosive...weakness at bottom...weakness at top=weaker bench than my already weak bench.  I will be lucky if I can get my usual opener of 440 @ clash for cash in a few weeks.

Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 595x1, 640x1, 670 x 1 x 8 sets  **Only about 2 or 3 of these reps felt smooth.  None of them felt like I wouldn't stand up...I was really sinking them low, but I didn't dominate this weight as much as I would have liked...the command on the weight wasn't there.  We'll see how my triples at 655 go on Tuesday, 720 singles in the DL on Thursday, and 685 singles on Saturday go.

GHD sit ups: 3 sets of 20

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
Bench Press: 135x6, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6, 315x6, 330x6x6, 225x20x2
(Before each set: rear felt raises and pec stretching)

Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 repsX 3 Rounds

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Conventional DL: (off 2 mats)155x3, 245x2, 335x1, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (off floor, add belt) 680 x 1 x 7 sets, 515x8
***WTF....these were very rough today.  Only one of them felt smooth and the rest felt very rough off of the floor.  Perhaps Tuesday's squats tired out the quads a little too much...or perhaps I'm a pussy who needs to man up....

Friday, August 3rd, 2012

Bench Press: 135x8, 185x8, 225x8, 275x8, 315x5, 350 x 5 x 5,  250 x 20 x 2
(Before each set: rear felt raises and pec stretching)

Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 reps
X 3 Rounds

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3. 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 570x1, (add belt) 615x1, 655 x 1 x 8
**These weren't feeling too bad.  This is an odd weight for singles for me right now.  It's a weight that I know I cannot fail at....and to train with it is not good for's very heavy, but I found myself not giving this weight enough respect...I was going too deep, my pelvis was rotating under me a lot today...this is rare for me and I'm glad I at least have the awareness to feel it.  I probably could have done 10-12 sets but I didn't want to risk injury and from here on out I have to let the intensity dictate(through technique) my since my squat wasn't feeling grooved today...i stopped at a number of sets that I could walk away from not feeling like puss.

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Bench Press: 135x6, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6, 315x6, 340x6x6, 250x20x2
(Before each set: rear felt raises and pec stretching)

Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 reps
X 3 Rounds

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3. 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 640 x 3 x 4 sets
***My squat was feeling a little bit off today.  I think I went into it expecting it to be an easy workout for some reason.  A little bit of extra curricular activities with the gf prior to training probably didn't help too much either...I usually try to avoid this before training...and for a reason.  No excuses.  I never felt as though I would fail a set or rep but they just weren't as smooth as I feel they should have been.  Set 4 was my best set and the only full set that felt grooved.  I contemplated doing 1 or 2 more sets but remembered that last week I did an extra couple of sets on Tuesday and then on Thursday,my deadlifts were rough....So I am trying to be a little bit smarter...12 reps at 90% is enough...and on Thursday I am going to pull 700 for multiple singles....hopefully 4 plus singles, we'll see.

*Looking forward to RAW 504 Clash For Cash I am not feeling as optimistic about the bench press...Usually around this time I would be working heavy singles with 420-450 or working on sets of 4-6 with 385-410lbs....I am NOWHERE NEAR THIS....I think I will be lucky if I can hit a 440 BP....So now when I think about trying to total 2000 lbs...that 440 bench really puts a damper on my parade.... i'll need a 760 squat and an 800 pull.......eeeeesh.

Take a look at ILYA......from Michael Jordan to Lebron James, Gretzky to Crosby....ILYA to PYRROS....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

T-LOG: MONjuly30-TUESjuly31

Monday, July 30th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x8, 185x8, 225x8, 275x8, 315x8x8sets (Prior to every set, 25 rear delt raises followed by 30 seconds stretching the chest out.   **every 7th and 8th rep felt sore on the shoulder but the pain didn't last.  We'll see how it feels at the end of the week.

Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 reps
X 3 Rounds

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012
If only more mothers were like this.
Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
BackSquats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 625 x 3 x 6 sets
**Everything was feeling a little bit off today.  My lower back was tight from kettle bell stuff over the weekend and my hip flexors were feeling very tight at the bottom of my squat.  This scares me because it's the same feeling I had when I ran into a bunch of rec fem issues only less amplified.  So I know that I need to start foam rolling a little bit more and also to stretch my hip flexors a little bit more frequently and aggressively.
The squats themselves moved very nicely.  All sets felt pretty smooth and easy.  A couple reps here and there were a little forward and into my back but no real problems.  I feel as though 8-10 sets would have been possible but my shoulder was taking a lower back was feeling tight....and i was just getting sick of hearing myself making all seriousness, I would normally have done the 8-10 sets but my quad wasn't feeling perfect and I am trying to be a little bit smarter this time around....less greedy in the volume at higher intensities....i did 4 sets at 620 in the last squat cycle so anything over 4 sets was a positive....  Thursday, I'm pulling 680 for multiple singles(hopefully 7-8) and Saturday I squat 655 for multiple singles(hopefully 8-10)......  

Sunday, July 29, 2012

T-LOG: MONjuly23-SUNjuly29

Monday, July 23rd, 2012
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 330x5x5
** Prior to each set I perform approx 20-25 rear delt db flys and then stretch the chest for a hard 30 secs.

SA Tricep Extensions x 20 reps
w Bicep curls x 20 reps each arm
X 3 Sets
**Lately I've incorporated some curls because I have had to cut out a lot of pull-ups due to my shoulder injury...and also the shitty ART specialist who did a number on my lat.  I still think training arms is comical and I still find my arms feel much more jacked up after some pull ups....but since a haven't done a pull up in who knows how long.....  garbage.

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
**Starting my new squat and deadlift cycle this week.  Before my competition I am hoping to hit a 700 double or triple and a 720-730 single in the squat.  The deadlift 760-780.  We'll see how the training cycle goes.  For now, at the beginning of the cycle, i just want to get slightly more volume in than the last squat cycle ...with roughly the same weights...  Ie...i did 590x 8 triples and then I skipped a week to 620 triples and did 4 at 610, at least 6 sets would be nice.
Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 610 x 3 x 8 sets  (These all felt pretty tight and smooth.  My quads were starting to get sore after the 8th set...and I'm still practicing the art of not being i cut it.)
Kettlebell Snatch prac: 32kg x 15 x 3 each arm
GHD Sit up: 3 sets of 20

Wednesday, July25th, 2012

Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x6x6
** Prior to each set I perform approx 20-25 rear delt db flys and then stretch the chest for a hard 30 secs.

SA Tricep Extensions x 20 reps
w Bicep curls x 20 reps each arm
X 3 Sets

Thursday, July 26th, 2012
Deadlift(kk): (off 2 mats) 155x3, 245x3, 335x1, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (drop to floor, add belt) 660 x 1 x 10 sets   *These were feeling alright.  I did 7 singles or so with 675 so I had 10-15 singles at 660 in my head.  After the tenth single my hips were feeling a little i called it a day.  Bright side...low back..solid.
Kettlebell Snatch Prac: 32kg x 15 x 3 each arm
GHD Sit up: 3 sets of 15 reps

Friday, July 27th, 2012

I'm glad that I can somewhat bench again with just a little bit of pain.  I found that on Monday, working with 330lbs, that little bit of extra weight hurt...So instead I've decided to build my volume a little bit with lighter weights that seem to be okay on the shoulder...I'm going to have to add weight very slowly...hopefully I can bench something half decent at Clash for Cash in September.
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x7x7
** Prior to each set I perform approx 20-25 rear delt db flys and then stretch the chest for a hard 30 secs.

SA Tricep Extensions x 20 reps
w Bicep curls x 20 reps each arm
X 3 Sets

Saturday, July 28th, 2012
There was a seminar going on at the gym today.  Agatsu Kettlebell Certification with Shawn Mozen. ... Dynamo Fitness is divided into two bays, one's a powerlifting side, and the other is a crossfit.  The KB cert on the crossfit side...I had to stay quiet while music, no a bulgarian training hall....I thought about going to a globo gym...but the bars are too whippy and I want the weight to be difficult at the bottom(whippy bars fly up) and I also didn't feel like being around a bunch of I opted to train zen..squattin like a monk.  With 680+ on the bar...i wouldn't be able to this...but 640 today... practice practice.

Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt), 595x1, 640 x 1 x 12 sets  **All of the squats felt easy...but they weren't all in a perfect technique...felt myself a little on my toes for many reps today...not worried.
Kettlebell Snatch prac: 32kg x 15 x 3 each arm

I participated in the KB snatch portion of the Agatsu Kettlebell Instructor Certification to learn a little about the movement since I've been incorporating it a lot lately.  TONS TO LEARN AND PRACTICE.  It's always interesting to pick the brain of a person who's specialized in something for a good portion of their life.  I don't care how much someone thinks they know...there is ALWAYS a ton to learn.  

Sunday, July 29th, 2012
Tons of foam rolling on the quads and hips.  Tons of stretching on the shoulders and posterior chain.  I actually did a few sets of 10 in the overhead squat with an empty bar...haven't even tried that in a while...felt alright.
Hung out a little bit at the Kettlebell Certification...trying to absorb a little knowledge...After watching Shawn and his girlfriend, Sarah moving desire to get mobile has been amplified....I fixed a lot of problems in the lower body...the rec fem, the quad issue, the lower back...with a lot of mobility work....I am sure that this shoulder issue is a result of both my love for all chin ups variations and my bench pressing.....It's not like its some grand revelation...kind of a fact that all of us know....we all talk about shoulder problems from the chest and lats being too tight....  but fuck...  at some point ts has to be addressed too.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


So after going hard last week, this week is going to be fairly light.  I don't believe in taking full weeks off.  Even before competitions I like to move a little always squat 60% for a few sets of 8 a few days before the comp just to get some blood into the area.  So this week, I am going to start benching light.  Everything else doesn't seem to be working.  I almost feel as though just forcing my body to do the damn thing is my only option at this point.  We will see what vigorous stretching, icing and ignoring the pusseidus can accomplish.  

Monday, July16th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275 x 5 x 5
** Before each set of bench press I did 20+ rear delt raises and then stretched my pecs out for at least 30 seconds hard.  This seemed to help a little bit.
Single Arm Tricep Extensions: 12-15 reps each arm x 3 sets ( using a weight I can only get 12-15 reps with, if I say 90lbs, its irrelevant bc its a machine and immeasurable).

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012
Front Squat: 135x5, 235x3, 315x2
Back Squat: 405x2, 455x1, 495x1, (add belt) 570(80%1RM) x 2 x 3 sets, drop to 430(60%1RM)x 5 x 3 sets
KB Snatch: 3 sets of 15 each arm with the 2-pood(32kg)

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275 x 5, 300 x 5 x 5
** Again...Before each set of bench press I did 20+ rear delt raises and then stretched my pecs out for at least 30 seconds hard.
Single Arm Tricep Extensions: 12-15 reps each arm x 3 sets

Thursday, July 19th, 2012
Deadlifts: (off 2 mats) 155x3, 245x2, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, (off floor, add belt) 605(80%1RM) x 2 x 3 sets, drop to 450(60%1rm) x 5 x 3 sets
KB Snatch: 3 x 15 reps each arm with 2-pood, 1 sets of 5 each arm 3-pood
GHD Situps: 3 sets of 20
Inverted Ring shrugs x 150
***Doing the light deadlifts at 450...trying to move them fast....  I didn't like it.  I find around 70%(515-535ish) to be better for moving weights a little faster because, although I can't move 70% as fast as at 60%, the weight isn't so light that I can get away with brutal technique.  I found that at 450 the weight moves very fast yes, but I can feel things locking out at different times and I get even more lazy than I do with my usual 515x8 sets....which is already quite lazy.  This is one of the main reasons why I like to lift heavy plenty of singles...practice practice practice...but don't make practice so easy that you don't need to focus...

Friday, July 20th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275 x 5, 315 x 5 x 5
 Again...Before each set of bench press I did 20+ rear delt raises and then stretched my pecs out for at least 30 seconds hard.  This has been seeming to help.  My shoulder has not been getting any worse.
Single Arm Tricep Extensions: 12-15 reps each arm x 3 sets

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Front Squat: 135x5, 235x3, 315x2
Back Squat: 405x2, 455x1, 495x1, (add belt) 570(80%1RM) x 3 x 3 sets, drop to 430(60%1RM)x 5 x 3 sets.
60% feels so light on the back a week after having 710 on it. Well, It always feels light...but especially light!!  I love it. (Someone called in the middle of my only 4 reps shown)......Sam Byrd says I'm being lazy with these squats...But I'm moving as fast as I can dammit!!

KB Snatch: 3 sets of 15 each arm with the 2-pood(32kg), 1 set of 3 each arm 3-pood(48kg)

** Not a bad week in training.  On Monday, I reset my training cycle and start ramping up towards Clash for Cash. My squat feels like it going to go where it needs to.  I feel as though the deadlift will be there when I need it and a competition setting will only make it better. And the bench....well the bench is just going to have to shut the pusseidos off and man the fuck up....

Monday, July 16, 2012


Friday, July 13th, 2012
I didn't really do much today.  I'm still pretty stiff from yesterday's DL and last Tuesday's squats.
I am really trying let my shoulder rest up and heal..fuck I hate this.  I am seeing if doing nothing works out better than getting a little blood flow into the area.
All I really did today was some foam rolling on the quads and hips...and a ton of stretching and rehab-ish type exercises on the shoulder.  For a guy who doesn't even like taking Sundays off....this shoulder is causing a lot of bullshit heartache.

Saturday, July 14th, 2012
Well, I went into this workout not really sure if I was going to continue my training cycle for another week or if I was going to max out my squat.  I was considering doing another week of this training cycle because last night I realized that the 755 deadlift was misloaded to I was thinking of doing another week and attempting a 760 or 765 deadlift.  
Playing it by ear, I decided to make my choice after my 645 squat.  From there I would be able to decide if I could break 700 or not...because maxing out with anything less than 700 would simply be discouraging to me.  
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 595x1, 645 x1, 685x1, 710x1 

**595 flew up.  645 My technique broke a little but it felt easy.  685 was very heavy on the back and I could feel Thursday's deadlift taking it's toll on the descent as my lower back felt weak.  But, nonetheless, it felt easy enough that I would go for at least 705.
My buddy Shane Church helped me decide on 710...since I had told him I was going to squat 710 in a text message the day before...and he came to see a 710 squat......a man's got to keep his word.
I am very content with this.  A new gym Pr squat after squatting heavy on Tuesday(650x3x3) and Deadlifting heavy on Thursday(750x1)...with 8 more weeks of training to go.

Next week is going to be a down week.  Light squatting and deadlifting.  Very little work on the shoulders....  

My mind is made up on 2000...just gotta get the body to follow suit.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Wednesday, July 11th, 2012
My body is feeling pretty stiff from yesterdays squats.  My lower back is tight and my hammies and gluteus are feeling lit and jacked.  My shoulder...sore.
Went to the chiropractor again today.  He did some light massage, stretching, and some shockwave...I am still not sure about this shockwave business.
I did not do too much today.  I just stretched some more and did some external rotator exercises, YTWL1 type shit and then called it a day.

Thursday, July 12th, 2012
I woke up this morning feeling a little light...224.5 lbs.  I don't mind being lighter because the abs look pretty sick...and more importantly, on a deadlift day, I find feeling heavy and bloated is detrimental to the set up.
My lower back and hips feel tight and stiff from Tuesday's squat session...but my mind is made up on deadlifting more than 750 today...  
(At RUM 4 I got 760 to my knees, and then I 'KNEW' I would pull at least 750 at the next competition CPF Raw Nats in June 2011 but I ended up with a ton of rec fem problems which later caused me to hurt my back prior to that meet...I still lifted at that meet...failed 750 lbs TWICE....and then I healed up my rec fem and got ready for RUM 5..and then on christmas eve(comp on jan 22nd) I hurt my back again...I couldn't even hold a bar without pain in the back...  I addressed many quad and hip issues and was able to compete...I squatted a PR 727 and almost hit a 738, benched my opener 440, and THEN FAILED A 750 deadlift TWICE...I am tired of failing...but never tired of trying.)

Conventional Deadlift(kk): (OFF 2 MATS) 155x3, 245x3, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (ADD BELT, OFF FLOOR) 655x1, 705x1, 755 x 1 BAAM!!!, 515x8

One word...Elated.  
It's about fucking time...and...Given that I squatted 650 x 3 x 3 on Tuesday, I am confident that I would be able to pull around 770-775 right now had I had a couple days rest.  I am going to max out my squat on Saturday(hopefully 690-710), unless my back is too sore, and then I am going to take next week as a light week, before I revamp and reset my training cycle for CLASH FOR CASH!!  I know that my squat will continue to move up over the next few weeks and that my deadlift gets stronger as my squat gets stronger(as long as I don't get injured!!).    So we will see how the next few weeks come along....I am feeling pretty fucking enlivened right now...I just have to try to remember not to get too greedy and to avoid injuries....and to fucking rehab this shoulder.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

T-LOG: MONjuly9-TUESjuly10

Monday, July 9th, 2012
Same boring shit as usual...just getting some blood into the area.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 22
x 4 Rounds

Tricep extensions(heavier) sets of 12
Rear delt flies 35's x 40
* Went to Chiro after for some therapy.

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 595 x 1, 650 x 3 x 3 sets
GHD Sit Up: 20 x 3 sets
***This was a pretty good squat day for me.  The last time I did 650 for triples I stopped after 2 sets.  I felt as though I could have done 4-5 sets today.  On the first set I felt as though I could definitely have done a 4th rep and possibly a fifth.  The second set was rough on the second rep but it was technique not strength so I went for the third.  The 3rd set felt pretty grooved, slower, but grooved.  I did not do more sets because I want to attempt to pull 750+ Deadlift on Thursday and to squat in the 700s ball park on Saturday.  So far the two lifts i love are going very well....and the lift I loathe...well..not only is it my weakest link and lift...  Ican't train it until my damn shoulder gets better..... a 2000 lb total seems very unlikely without a bench press in the upper 400's dabbling on 500....and right now, the thought of my usual opener 440 lbs, sends sharp stabbing pains to my soul.  But bright side: I'M GOING TO SQUAT BIG AND DEADLIFT BIG!!  We'll see how the rest of this week of reckoning goes.

Compare to: a few weeks out from RUM5. Last December,  650 x 3 x 2 sets

I am over 9 weeks out from Clash for Cash.  So I have plenty of time to make more improvements.  At RUM 5 back in January, I felt as though I had that 738 lb squat on the third was close......and I was out with a crazy back injury 4 weeks going into that I think I am on the road to a biiig squat given that I still have plenty of time....

Monday, July 9, 2012

T-LOG: FRIjuly6-SATjuly7

Friday, July 6th, 2012
Same shiiiiiiit.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB Bench Press 105'2 x 22
X 4 Rounds

Tricep Extensions x 25 reps each arm
w Rear lateral flies x 50
w external rotation drills
w kb arm bars

Saturday, July 7th, 2012
I am either going to max out today and then take a down week next week, or I am going to do multiple singles with 665 and then max out next week.  It all depends on how the squat is feeling.

Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2. 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 595x1, 635x1, 665 x 1 x 8 sets

**BAAAM These were moving very well today.   After the first set, I decided that I could maybe hit around 685-690 if I went for it....So i thought I would practice with this weight a little emore and then maybe attempt a 705 NEXT Saturday...we will see when the day comes...I still want to pull 750-755 next Thursday and also to triple 650 for a couple sets in the squat on Tuesday... So let's see if I have a good week.  just gotta fire it up knowing that I'll be taking a down week later....
All in all, I am happy with the way that both my deadlift and squat are progressing right now....  I need my fucking shoulder to heal up so I can start benching again...  otherwise, I'll never hit that 2000 mark unless i do something extremely ridiculous like squat 770(know I'm not sam byrd...unlikely)...or pulling 830(knowing I'm not Cass)......  :(

Friday, July 6, 2012

T-LOG: TUESjuly3rd-THURSjuly5th

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012
Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 595x1, 635 x 3 x 3 sets
**This was feeling pretty good today.  I think I could have done 1-2 more sets but on Thursday I am planning on pulling heavy and I don't want to have any grind sets before that.
KB snatch Prac. 2 pood x5 each hand x 5-8 sets(didn't really keep track)
GHD Sit ups: 3 sets of 20

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012
Early training session so I can go to see my chiro.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB Bench press 105's x 21
X 4 Rounds

Tricep extensions x 25 reps
w rear delt raises 30's x 50

External rotation drills 
w lots of pec stretching

**My Chiro decided to try some shockwave therapy on me today.  Shockwave Therapy is completely new to me.  I have never heard of such a treatment and to be honest it kind of sounds like a bit of quackery.  But at this point I am open minded.  Shock Wave Therapy on a woman's back.  It's basically like a construction worker using one of those badass concrete breakers on your muscles...using high impact sound frequency.....  definitely different from the norm....and it definitely felt very different.  We will see....

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

Conventional Deads: (off 2 mats) 155x2, 245x2, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (off floor, add belt) 675 x 1, 735x1, 515x8 x 2 sets
KB Snatch 3-pood(106lbs) x 3 each hand x 5 sets  ( i was really focusing on stopping at the top and trying to relax more on the swing)
KB Swings 3 pood x 20 x 1 set
GHD Situps: 3 x 20 reps
**  Pretty happy with today.  I would have liked to have done 2-3 sets of 735 today but it just wasn't feeling that strong so for every set I didn't do...I made myself do an 8 rep set w approx 70% my 1rm.  This Saturday, I will be squatting 665.  I am contemplating maxing out and then taking a down week...or doing one more week where i'll triple 650 in the sq, attempt a 755 DL, and do singles w 680 in the squat.  We will see.
I haven't taekn a video of anything I do in the weight room these days because I almost always train alone now...  A buddy was training with me I actually got to video and see what my lifts look like!! ...A Thursday in the life of....  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday, June 25th, 2012
Inverted Rings Rows: x 30
w DB Bench press 105's x 21
X 4 rounds

Tricep extensions  15-25 reps
w Rear Delts 30's x 40
w Kettlebell Arm Bars x 2 each arm
2 Rounds

* I later went to see the Doc to get some more acupuncture done on my shoulder.  It isn't quite healing up as I would like but I am confident it will eventually fuck off.

Tuesday, June  26th, 2012

Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 620 x 3 x 4 sets
Front Squat: 405x 6 (I originally wanted to do 2 sets of 8-10 but my biceps started cramping so I stopped).

** The squats feeling good.  :)  Decided to start working in the front squats because I know that the volume is going to be very low for the next little while and being far from the competition...I want get a little more in....

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
Did not train today.  Did not sleep well last night and had to make appointment for acupuncture.  Realistically....being optimistic about the shoulder.

Thursday, June28th, 2012
Conventional Deadlift(kk): 155x3, 245x3, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, 655x1, 715 x 1 x 2 sets, 515 x 8 x 2 sets
Kettlebell snatches: 2 pood x 3 each arm x 8 sets
GHD sit up: 15 x 4 sets
** My groove in the new style deadlift was not feeling very good today.  I was hoping for around 3-4 sets at 715 but was having trouble off the floor.  Sometimes I find myself fiddling with the technique too much and when this happens I question sticking with this's difficult to get psyched up and wild when You are constantly questioning the set up....reminds me of the types of lifters that i despise...the head cases.

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Inverted Rings Rows: x 30
w DB Bench press 105's x 21
X 4 rounds

Tricep extensions  15-25 reps
w Rear Delts 30's x 40
w Kettlebell Arm Bars x 2 each arm
2 Rounds

Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 650 x 1 x 8 sets
Kettlebell Snatches: 2 pood x 3 each arm x 8 sets(technique practice), 3 pood x 3 each arm x 3 sets(technique practice, too hard on hands as callouses started hurting)
GHD situps: 3 x 20 reps
Kettlebell Armbars

Sunday, July 1st, 2012 - OFF

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Inverted Rings Rows: x 30
w DB Bench press 105's x 21
X 4 rounds

Tricep extensions  15-25 reps
w Rear Delts 30's x 40
w Kettlebell Arm Bars x 2 each arm
2 Rounds

THOUGHTS:  DAN GREEN competed last Saturday.  He did not get the numbers I thought he would get.  I thought for sure he would break the 2000 barrier.  He did not.  He achieved a 1950 total though.  So this places him above me in the Raw 220 Power rankings.  Good for him.  I am sure he is disappointed though.  Leading up to this meet he hit some huge numbers.  I was almost certain that he would be the first North American/Non-Russian to break the 2000@220 far the only man is Belyaev....and I still have a chance to be the second man to do so in September.  750- 475- 775+  **SHOULDER HEAL THE FUCK UP

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
Same old same old.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB bench press 105's x 20

w Ring Pull aparts x 25
x 5 sets

Rear delt flies 30's x 30
w SA Tricep pressdowns x 25 @ 50

X 3 sets

Thursday, June 21st, 2012
Deadlifts(floor): 155x4, 245x3, 335x2, 425x2, 515x1, 605x1, (add belt) 695 x 1 x 4, 515x8
GHD Sit ups: 3 sets of 15
* Deadlifts felt pretty decent today.  I was hoping to be able to do around 5-6 singles with it...but I wasn't feeling very strong off of the floor....what else is new?

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB bench press 105's x 20
w Ring Pull aparts x 25
x 4 sets

Rear delt flies 30's x 30
w SA Tricep pressdowns x 25 @ 50
X 2 sets

I saw an acupuncture specialist today.  Made my shoulder feel a little bit better...but not much better.  We'll see how much improvement comes over the weekend.  THE BENCH PRESS BECKONS!!

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 635 x 1 x 8 sets

**I usually put my belt on at anything after 560...but i felt like seeing how 595 felt without a belt.....and it felt crisp. :)
I was supposed to do singles with 620 today...but i really dislike any weight between 610-630 because in my mind, it's not quite heavy enough that I feel I can get psyched up for it or tell myself it's heavy weights...and yet it's not light enough that I can take it for granted and it'll bury me in the hole if i don't stay tight...
So instead I skipped it and went to 635( i kind of wanted to max out today and see if I could get around 675-690..but that would have been pretty I bumped myself a week ahead of schedule.....which means that on Tuesday, I'll be doing 620 for triples.  This also, gains me another week in my training cycle for the competition in september...(i have an extra week to cycle back or take off if need be).  

On Thursday, I tried playing around with the kettle bells a little bit.  I think Kettlebells are something that I would like to get extremely good at.  I saw Chris Dufferin do a set of bottom up presses with 2-poods in each hand and thought that that was pretty damn cool.  I would like to at some point in my life to do some ridiculous things w KB's as well....  here's a vid of me fuckin around with some 106lb snatches.  I need to tighten up my technique, relax a little better..and focus.  I think I could have done about 20 here if I would have focused on squeezing the bell on the way down.....  I think 30 plus would be pretty damn cool to be able to do. In the Kettlebell world this is nothing special...but it was my first time trying it, and I'm not going to be spending any time focusing on it w a comp on the horizon...  so it's simply a start for now...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

T-LOG: MONjune18-TUESjune19

Monday, June 18th, 2012
Same old same old.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB bench press 105's x 20
x 4 sets

Rear delt flies 30's x 30
w SA Tricep pressdowns x 25 @ 50
*Getting some accu done later this week.  Should help.  I hope to be benching soon.

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
It is very humid today.  I am not feeling too motivated to train.  I have been sitting on the couch at the gym for about 30 minutes drinking water and reading...procrastinating.
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2 ( quads are feeling very good today...everything is smooth).
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 590 x 3 x 8 sets
** My squats felt very good today.  Every single felt about how it should feel..easy, smooth.  I feel as though I could have done 12 sets with this weight today.  In the 8th set I felt a little bit of a cramp in my left quad, not even a true cramp...just a little twinge...and after a year of having quad issues...i decided to try to be smart and stop...unfortunately I feel as though I have cheated myself of future progress because this keeps my volume down...I am sure that it is better than having another injury.

I am looking forward to Thursday.  Deadlifting 695 for singles....and I feel like it is going to be a party.  AS Dan Green likes to say..."Deadlift Party."

Sunday, June 17, 2012

T-LOG: SATjune9th-SATjune16th

Saturday, June 9th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 545x1, 590 x 1 x 15 sets
*I was feeling very unmotivated to train today.  I simply did not sleep well and after the morning classes I usually feel a little tired, especially if I didn't have time to get food in my stomach before work...which happened one to blame but myself for choosing to sleep more.  The singles felt nice.  At this weight it is not a matter of being able to squat is a matter of being able to squat it perfectly.  Practice. I could probably do around 20 sets with this weight before my technique starts to look sloppy but I napped after the morning classes and had still not was almost 3pm and I hadn't eaten anything bit lots of i decided that no more sets would elicit much more of an adaptation and therefore not worth doing.  Food.

Sunday, June10th, 2012 - REST

Monday, June 11th, 2012
* My shoulder still sucks.  Feeling slightly better...but sucks.  The ART guy really messed up my lats and any vertical pulling really hurts...I have just lost my confidence in physiotherapists....I asked for treatment...not a new injury.
Inverted Ring Rows x30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 6 sets

Handstand Holds x 30secs x 4 sets

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, (add belt) 575 x 3 x 8 sets
**THese sets felt nice.  Same as the 590 singles...I can always perform the set, the the question is quality...the 8th set slowed down a lot and I knew that the 9th set would be rough...cut it.

Wednesday, 13th, 2012

Bench days without benching are getting monotonous.
Inverted Ring Rows x30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 5 sets

Tricep extensions machine- 20-25 rep range x 3 sets each arm
w Rear Delt work
w external rotations

Thursday, June14th, 2012
DL(kk, floor): 155x3, 245x3, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (add belt) 675 x 1 x 7 sets, 515 x 8
*Was moving very fast the first few sets.  I felt nice and lose this morning.  I think I could have pulled around 730 today.  This number is going to rise fast...I can tell.  :)

Friday, June 15th, 2012

Inverted Ring Rows x30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 5 sets

Tricep extensions machine- 20-25 rep range x 3 sets each arm
w Rear Delt work
w external rotations

Saturday, June 16th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5. 235x3, 325x2
backSquat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1. 555x1, (add belt) 605 x 1 x 12 sets
*Practice Practice Practice

I have 12 weeks of training and a down week until Clash for Cash.  SHITS going to get exciting.  

Here's a video that deserves a look. of my favourite athletes.