Monday, April 2rd, 2012
My shoulder/bicep is still hurting a lot so I am not benching for another while. Mon, Wed, and Fri's are simply to get blood into the area and build up the weak spots. This is pretty much like a bodybuilding day for me bc I get a crazy shoulder and triceps pump and look like Greg Doucette...maybe not. Anyway, aside from these, I am also doing shoulder rehab stuff at home with bands and such to strengthen my external rotators and always doing work on my biceps.
Inverted Ring Rows x 35
with Ring Pull Aparts x 25
with Facepulls x 25
with DB Lying Tricep Ext 55's x 20
ALL X 4 rounds
Cuban Cleans 15's x 25
with strict full rom pushups x 30
X 4 Rounds
Tuesday, April 3th, 2012
Last Thursday, I hurt my hamstring slightly while squatting. So I thought I would rest from squatting today. I usually squat very light( 65% for 5 triples) before I deadlift from a deficit at 70% in the 24/25 rep denominations.
Deadlift(kk) off of 3 mats: 515x5x5sets
GHD slow strict Situp: 4 sets of 15
Wednesday, April 4th, 2012
Inverted Ring Rows x 35
with Ring Pull Aparts x 25
with Facepulls x 25
with DB Lying Tricep Ext 55's x 20
ALL X 4 rounds
Cuban Cleans 15's x 25
with strict full rom pushups x 30
X 4 Rounds
Thursday, April 5th, 2012
Taking it very easy to see how the hammy feels. Doing a 25 minute CAT squat session.
Back Squat: 465x5x5 sets @ 16 mins. I was going down very slow and just coming up fast and smooth but not focusing on exploding because I didn't want to push my leg. After 5 sets I figured I just call it a day even though I prefer to do 6-8 sets in the 25 min frame with these percentages.
Very short session. Less than 30 mins including foam roll and warm up. :)
Friday, April 6th, 2012
Inverted Ring Rows x 35
with Ring Pull Aparts x 25
with Facepulls x 25
with DB Lying Tricep Ext 55's x 20
ALL X 4 rounds
Cuban Cleans 15's x 25
with strict full rom pushups x 30
X 4 Rounds
Saturday, April 7th, 2012
Today, I was planning on hitting a near max in the deadlift but while running the morning classes I helped a partner a client during our 'team wow' so I ended up doing a little bit of Waiter Walks, box jumps, toes to bar, push ups, etc... none of these taxed me and the weights/reps were light but at the end of it we did relay style 100m sprints...and although I was probably running around 65% my legs are simply not used to bobsleigh days are far behind me...needless to say...I GOT A CRAZY LEG PUMP FROM It actually made me want to start sprinting again. I feel very healthy when I can fluidly move fast for short bursts....but that won't help me reach 2000@220 so not for a while(or maybe post squat and deadlift for the next few weeks).
Deadlift(kk): OFF 3 MATS (155x5, 245x3, 325x1, 425x1), OFF 2 MATS(515x1, 605x1), FLOOR (655x1, 700x1, 700x1, 515x6, 515x6), RACK ABOVE KNEES(765x3, 815x3, 815x4)