In a bit of a rush today. My collar bone is killing me from front squatting on Saturday. There was one set where I missed the hook on the left side when racking it and it put a ton of pressure on my collar bone. I seem to have strained a muscle in my upper pec. Stretching the pec and alsolifting the shoulder seem to irritate it. We will see how it feels tomorrow. I may have to skip it since Monday's session seems to have irritated it further.
HELLRAISERS: 515x3 x 7 sets
Thats it!! That's ALL!! And its more than enough on the body. I am a little worried that I am not challenging my legs enough with these squats but I am definitely taxing my back enough and hopefully this will transfer to my deadlift.
MONDAY, AUGUST 8th, 2011
bench Press: 370+chains(60) x 3 x 5 sets, 320x5x5paused
SWGChins: x 35
Ring Pull Aparts: x 25