Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012
Same old same old.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB bench press 105's x 20

w Ring Pull aparts x 25
x 5 sets

Rear delt flies 30's x 30
w SA Tricep pressdowns x 25 @ 50

X 3 sets

Thursday, June 21st, 2012
Deadlifts(floor): 155x4, 245x3, 335x2, 425x2, 515x1, 605x1, (add belt) 695 x 1 x 4, 515x8
GHD Sit ups: 3 sets of 15
* Deadlifts felt pretty decent today.  I was hoping to be able to do around 5-6 singles with it...but I wasn't feeling very strong off of the floor....what else is new?

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB bench press 105's x 20
w Ring Pull aparts x 25
x 4 sets

Rear delt flies 30's x 30
w SA Tricep pressdowns x 25 @ 50
X 2 sets

I saw an acupuncture specialist today.  Made my shoulder feel a little bit better...but not much better.  We'll see how much improvement comes over the weekend.  THE BENCH PRESS BECKONS!!

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 635 x 1 x 8 sets

**I usually put my belt on at anything after 560...but i felt like seeing how 595 felt without a belt.....and it felt crisp. :)
I was supposed to do singles with 620 today...but i really dislike any weight between 610-630 because in my mind, it's not quite heavy enough that I feel I can get psyched up for it or tell myself it's heavy weights...and yet it's not light enough that I can take it for granted and it'll bury me in the hole if i don't stay tight...
So instead I skipped it and went to 635( i kind of wanted to max out today and see if I could get around 675-690..but that would have been pretty I bumped myself a week ahead of schedule.....which means that on Tuesday, I'll be doing 620 for triples.  This also, gains me another week in my training cycle for the competition in september...(i have an extra week to cycle back or take off if need be).  

On Thursday, I tried playing around with the kettle bells a little bit.  I think Kettlebells are something that I would like to get extremely good at.  I saw Chris Dufferin do a set of bottom up presses with 2-poods in each hand and thought that that was pretty damn cool.  I would like to at some point in my life to do some ridiculous things w KB's as well....  here's a vid of me fuckin around with some 106lb snatches.  I need to tighten up my technique, relax a little better..and focus.  I think I could have done about 20 here if I would have focused on squeezing the bell on the way down.....  I think 30 plus would be pretty damn cool to be able to do. In the Kettlebell world this is nothing special...but it was my first time trying it, and I'm not going to be spending any time focusing on it w a comp on the horizon...  so it's simply a start for now...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

T-LOG: MONjune18-TUESjune19

Monday, June 18th, 2012
Same old same old.
Inverted Ring Rows x 30
w DB bench press 105's x 20
x 4 sets

Rear delt flies 30's x 30
w SA Tricep pressdowns x 25 @ 50
*Getting some accu done later this week.  Should help.  I hope to be benching soon.

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
It is very humid today.  I am not feeling too motivated to train.  I have been sitting on the couch at the gym for about 30 minutes drinking water and reading...procrastinating.
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2 ( quads are feeling very good today...everything is smooth).
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 590 x 3 x 8 sets
** My squats felt very good today.  Every single felt about how it should feel..easy, smooth.  I feel as though I could have done 12 sets with this weight today.  In the 8th set I felt a little bit of a cramp in my left quad, not even a true cramp...just a little twinge...and after a year of having quad issues...i decided to try to be smart and stop...unfortunately I feel as though I have cheated myself of future progress because this keeps my volume down...I am sure that it is better than having another injury.

I am looking forward to Thursday.  Deadlifting 695 for singles....and I feel like it is going to be a party.  AS Dan Green likes to say..."Deadlift Party."

Sunday, June 17, 2012

T-LOG: SATjune9th-SATjune16th

Saturday, June 9th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 545x1, 590 x 1 x 15 sets
*I was feeling very unmotivated to train today.  I simply did not sleep well and after the morning classes I usually feel a little tired, especially if I didn't have time to get food in my stomach before work...which happened one to blame but myself for choosing to sleep more.  The singles felt nice.  At this weight it is not a matter of being able to squat is a matter of being able to squat it perfectly.  Practice. I could probably do around 20 sets with this weight before my technique starts to look sloppy but I napped after the morning classes and had still not was almost 3pm and I hadn't eaten anything bit lots of i decided that no more sets would elicit much more of an adaptation and therefore not worth doing.  Food.

Sunday, June10th, 2012 - REST

Monday, June 11th, 2012
* My shoulder still sucks.  Feeling slightly better...but sucks.  The ART guy really messed up my lats and any vertical pulling really hurts...I have just lost my confidence in physiotherapists....I asked for treatment...not a new injury.
Inverted Ring Rows x30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 6 sets

Handstand Holds x 30secs x 4 sets

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, (add belt) 575 x 3 x 8 sets
**THese sets felt nice.  Same as the 590 singles...I can always perform the set, the the question is quality...the 8th set slowed down a lot and I knew that the 9th set would be rough...cut it.

Wednesday, 13th, 2012

Bench days without benching are getting monotonous.
Inverted Ring Rows x30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 5 sets

Tricep extensions machine- 20-25 rep range x 3 sets each arm
w Rear Delt work
w external rotations

Thursday, June14th, 2012
DL(kk, floor): 155x3, 245x3, 335x2, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (add belt) 675 x 1 x 7 sets, 515 x 8
*Was moving very fast the first few sets.  I felt nice and lose this morning.  I think I could have pulled around 730 today.  This number is going to rise fast...I can tell.  :)

Friday, June 15th, 2012

Inverted Ring Rows x30
w DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 5 sets

Tricep extensions machine- 20-25 rep range x 3 sets each arm
w Rear Delt work
w external rotations

Saturday, June 16th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5. 235x3, 325x2
backSquat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1. 555x1, (add belt) 605 x 1 x 12 sets
*Practice Practice Practice

I have 12 weeks of training and a down week until Clash for Cash.  SHITS going to get exciting.  

Here's a video that deserves a look. of my favourite athletes.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Thursday, June 7th, 2012

Deadlift(off 2 mats): 155x5, 245x2, 335x1, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (off floor, add belt) 655 x 1 x 5 singles, 515 x 8 x 2 sets
* I would have liked to have done around 8-10 sets @ 655 but time was short and I am trying to ease into the heavier weights.  Trying to practice some patience.

GHD situps: 3 sets of 15
Hollow rocks: 1 set of 35

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Inverted ring rows x 30
W DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 6 rounds

External rotation drills for shoulders.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

T-LOG: WEDjune6

"It rubs the lotion on its skin"
Wednesday, June 6th, 2012
Another day doing no heavy lifting on the upper body.  I haven't benched in over three months.  I haven't done a pull-up/chinup in weeks.  My lats are messed up from ART(which isn't helping)...I'm getting annoyed with this bullshit.
At Crossfit O-Town we did gymnastics as a skill today...fucking annoying.  Usually one can get away with not having to demonstrate things in order to teach...but for some reason today we had tons of new people come in and teaching kipping pull-ups fucking shoulder.

Inverted Ring Rows x 30
DB Bench Press 105's x 20
X 6 sets

external rotations drills
rear delts
(all with relatively unimpressive light weights)

Looking forward to actually exercising tomorrow.  Going to deadlift a little bit.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

T-LOG: FRIjune1st-TUESjune5th

Friday, June 1st, 2012

Ring Rows x 30
w DB presses 105's x 18
Tabata rear delt 
* went after to get some ART done on the shoulder.

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012
I had to get up very early to train before morning classes.  I was supposed to run an obstacle course at the ever so disorganized Spartan Race today..and also, it was the wife's bday and nighttime gallivanting on time was short.
Feeling extremely stiff from all of the squatting and deadlifting I did on Thursday.
Deadlift: 155x5, 245x3, 335x2, 425x1, 515 x 6 x 6 sets

Monday, June 4th, 2012
My shoulder is still causing me a lot of grief.  THe physic I have been seeing doesn't seem to want to do acupuncture so I am looking for someone else.  ART alone does not seem to be doing much.  I think i need it combined with some accupuncture as my buddy Stef instantly felt better and increased my rom significantly.
Ring Rows x 30
w DB presses 105's x 18

Tabata rear delt

external rotator drills

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012
I am starting m squat cycle program now.  Backing off from the deadlifting twice a week and just going to be squatting on Tuesdays and Saturdays, Deadlifting on Thursdays, and Pressing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays....if my shoulder ever heals up.
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, (add belt) 560 x 3 x 10 sets
***  These are feeling nice and easy.  Moving smoothly.  At first I wanted to do 15 sets or so to give myself a lot of volume.  But instead, my wrists started hurting so I stopped at 10.  (approx volume 560x30 reps= 16800)

** I am stoked to start my squat and deadlift progression.  15 weeks out.  No rush.  I just have to be patient with the shoulder and then it's going to be time to post over 2000.