Bench Press: 135x6, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6, 315x6, 330x6x6, 225x20x2
(Before each set: rear felt raises and pec stretching)
Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 repsX 3 Rounds
Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

***WTF....these were very rough today. Only one of them felt smooth and the rest felt very rough off of the floor. Perhaps Tuesday's squats tired out the quads a little too much...or perhaps I'm a pussy who needs to man up....
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
Bench Press: 135x8, 185x8, 225x8, 275x8, 315x5, 350 x 5 x 5, 250 x 20 x 2
(Before each set: rear felt raises and pec stretching)
Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 reps
X 3 Rounds
Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3. 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 570x1, (add belt) 615x1, 655 x 1 x 8
**These weren't feeling too bad. This is an odd weight for singles for me right now. It's a weight that I know I cannot fail at....and to train with it is not good for's very heavy, but I found myself not giving this weight enough respect...I was going too deep, my pelvis was rotating under me a lot today...this is rare for me and I'm glad I at least have the awareness to feel it. I probably could have done 10-12 sets but I didn't want to risk injury and from here on out I have to let the intensity dictate(through technique) my since my squat wasn't feeling grooved today...i stopped at a number of sets that I could walk away from not feeling like puss.
Monday, August 6th, 2012
Bench Press: 135x6, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6, 315x6, 340x6x6, 250x20x2
(Before each set: rear felt raises and pec stretching)
Alt Bicep curls 50's x 40
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 reps
X 3 Rounds
w Single arm triceps pull down machine x 20 reps
X 3 Rounds
Tuesday, August 7th, 2012
Front Squat: 145x5, 235x3. 325x2
Back Squat: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, 595x1, (add belt) 640 x 3 x 4 sets
***My squat was feeling a little bit off today. I think I went into it expecting it to be an easy workout for some reason. A little bit of extra curricular activities with the gf prior to training probably didn't help too much either...I usually try to avoid this before training...and for a reason. No excuses. I never felt as though I would fail a set or rep but they just weren't as smooth as I feel they should have been. Set 4 was my best set and the only full set that felt grooved. I contemplated doing 1 or 2 more sets but remembered that last week I did an extra couple of sets on Tuesday and then on Thursday,my deadlifts were rough....So I am trying to be a little bit smarter...12 reps at 90% is enough...and on Thursday I am going to pull 700 for multiple singles....hopefully 4 plus singles, we'll see.
*Looking forward to RAW 504 Clash For Cash I am not feeling as optimistic about the bench press...Usually around this time I would be working heavy singles with 420-450 or working on sets of 4-6 with 385-410lbs....I am NOWHERE NEAR THIS....I think I will be lucky if I can hit a 440 BP....So now when I think about trying to total 2000 lbs...that 440 bench really puts a damper on my parade.... i'll need a 760 squat and an 800 pull.......eeeeesh.
Take a look at ILYA......from Michael Jordan to Lebron James, Gretzky to Crosby....ILYA to PYRROS....