Wednesday, August 31, 2011

T-LOG: MONaug22nd-WEDaug31st

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Today, is a great day.  I have not squatted or bench pressed in what feels like forever and this is making me miserable.  Not squatting is worse than a terrible break losing something you love and TRULY CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT... :P  Anyway, my shoulder is improving and I am going to bench press...very light....but at least i'm pressing again.

Bench Press: 315 x 5 x 12 sets

(SWGChins: x 35  w 30s Handstand holds) x 4 rounds

(burnout pushups  w ring pull aparts) x 2 rounds

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Can't squat and don't feel like BW deadlifting.

Conventional Deadlift: 645 x 1 x 5 sets, 550 x 12

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Shoulder is better.  But going to guard it some more and avoid horizontal pressing movements.

(Ring Chins x 25     w  Hand Stand 30s hold) x 4 rounds
(SWGChins x 25    w  HS 30s hold) x 3 rounds
(Inv Ring Rows x 33    w HS 30s hold) x 3 rounds
(T-bar Chins x 15    w HS 30s hold) x 3 roudns

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Still guarding my quad.  VMO insertion area...

Bodyweight squats: 200 x 2 sets.  Not allowing myself to move my feet, and pausing at the top each rep,no bouncing at the bottom, focusing on involving glutes and hamstrings, just a constant pulse of 'singles'.  took approx 8 1/2 mins a set

KBS: 3-poot(106lbs) x 25 x 2 sets

V-ups x 100

Friday, August 26th, 2011

My Clavicle is stiiillllll bothering me.  I do not like this.  I do feel it getting better although I am not going to rush into anything...still no horizontal movements.

(Ring Chins x 25     w  HS 30s hold, heels to wall) x 4 rounds
(SWGChins x 33    w  HS 30s hold, toes to wall) x 4 rounds
(Inv Ring Rows x 33    w HS wall walks x 20) x 4 rounds
(T-bar Chins x 20    w HS wall walks x 20) x 4 rounds

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Conventional Deadlifts: 605+90lbs chains x 1 x 5 sets
GHD situps: 25x2
V-ups: 40
KBS: (3-poot, 106lbs) x 35

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

(Ring Chins x 25     w  HS 30s hold) x 4 rounds
(SWGChins x 33    w  HS 30s hold) x 3 rounds
(Inv Ring Rows x 33    w HS 30s hold) x 2 rounds
(T-bar Chins x 20    w HS 30s hold) x 3 roudns

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Today I am supposed to begin my squat progression for Latvia in November.  I WAS supposed to begin with 555lbs for multiple sets of three reps.  After my first set first rep... sharp pain in my knee.  STOP.

Body weight Squats: 150 x 2 sets  ( full range, stop at top, not allowing myself to move my feet, took approx 7 mins)

V-ups: 33 x 3 sets

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Still not benching.  My clavicle is annoying me.  I cannot even perform a pushup right now.  Any horizontal pressing is not happening anytime soon.  Vertical seems to be okay.

(Ring Chins x 25     w  HS 30s hold) x 4 rounds
(SWGChins x 25    w  HS 30s hold) x 3 rounds
(Inv Ring Rows x 33    w HS 30s hold) x 3 rounds
(T-bar Chins x 15    w HS 30s hold) x 3 roudns

Sunday, August 21, 2011

(13 WEEKS OUT) T-LOG:TUESaug16-SATaug20


I wanted to front squat today but my left collar bone is still a little fucked up.  So safety squat bar it is.

Hellraisers: 475x 5 x 8 sets


Because of my collar bone issue I cannot perform any horizontal presses.  Even push ups hurt.  So i am stuck with a many chin ups and variants and handstand pracice.

(Ring Chins(pull apart): x20   with  30 second handstand)  x 5 rounds

(Strict wide grip chins x 20 with 30 second handstand)  x 3 rounds

(ring inverted rows x 33     with    30 second handstand )  x 2 rounds


Conventional Deadlifts: 635 x 1 x 8 sets, 545 x 10 touch and go
( I was a little disappointed with this session.  I was hoping to do around 12-15 singles w 635 but my technique off the floor wasn't feeling right today and it was messing up my pull


(Ring Chins(pull apart): x20   with  30 second handstand)  x 5 rounds

(Strict wide grip chins x 20 with 30 second handstand)  x 3 rounds

(ring inverted rows x 33     with    30 second handstand )  x 3 rounds


My knee has been bothering me a little bit this last few weeks.  I think that last Saturdays 1035 lb quarter squats put a lot of pressure on my tendons.  My right knee(rec fem and VMO) at the distal insertion are annoying me.  A body squat feels a little off.  So today.....


****  between the collar bone and my right knee I am getting very impatient.  I have been hobbling along with injuries since RUM4.  If it isn't one thing it's something else.  Right now with the collar bone and my knee all three lifts are suffering and this is very discouraging.  Usually I can focus on at least one lift when something is injured.  I am 12 training weeks out from my next competition in Riga, Latvia and not feeling so pumped about my training cycle which is supposed to start on Monday.  We will see how these injuries come along.  I have a big total that needs to get accomplished at either WPC Worlds or RUM 5 and a lot of big names to compete against such as:

at WPC WORLDS(Latvia) in November:
 Konstantin Posdeev who squats high 700s and pulls in the 800s
 Zahir who squats above 700 ,benchs above 500, and pulls in the 800
Andrei Kisel who if uninjured will go around 740-550-740
Andrey Belyaev who is going to perform some great feats maybe 740-560-830

at RUM 5(Texas) in January:

Sam Byrd who is hungry and likely to go around 760-475-750
Jeremy Hamilton who I suspect will go around 716-507-793

........  my goals are around 727-740 squat, 473-484 bench, and a 750-780 deadlift.  If I can get 2000 this year i will be a very happy man.  I suspect that my next two competitions a total of less than 2000 will not win anything.  I have not back squatted since the begining of May(expcept for my comp in June where i attempted 705) and the heaviest load I've have handled is a 545 front squat.  Since then I have been doing a lot of the front squatting and Hellraiser squatting.  This has placed a lot of over-emphasis on staying upright in the squat...which has also placed a lot more stress on my quads and knees.  My right knee does not like me right now...we will see if we can become friends again.

Monday, August 15, 2011

T-LOG: WEDaug10-MONaug15

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My collar bone is hurting from a misracked front sqaut mishap last saturday. I took the day off. Sort of. After work I felt as though I needed to train so after eating dinner I headed back.
Conventional Deadlift(off 2 mats+60lbs chains): 605x1x5sets

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Conventional Deadlift(off 2 mats+60lbs chains): 605x1x3sets, 695xfail

Friday, August 12, 2011

BP: 365x1....ouch

SWGChins x36
W Ring Pullaparts x25
TIMES 3 Rounds

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Front Squat: 475x2,3,2
Safety 4quat: 515x3x2sets
1/4 Squats: 1035x15x3sets
Deadlift: 605x1x2sets

Monday, August 15, 2011

*shoulder still very sore
Ring Chins x 20 w Handstand holds
X 5 rounds

SWGchins x 30 w Handstand Holds
X 3 rounds

Ring inv rows x 33 w handstand holds
X 3 rounds

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

T-LOG: MONaug8-TUESaug9th


In a bit of a rush today.  My collar bone is killing me from front squatting on Saturday.  There was one set where I missed the hook on the left side when racking it and it put a ton of pressure on my collar bone.  I seem to have strained a muscle in my upper pec.  Stretching the pec and alsolifting the shoulder seem to irritate it.  We will see how it feels tomorrow.  I may have to skip it since Monday's session seems to have irritated it further.

HELLRAISERS: 515x3 x 7 sets

Thats it!!  That's ALL!!  And its more than enough on the body.  I am a little worried that I am not challenging my legs enough with these squats but I am definitely taxing my back enough and hopefully this will transfer to my deadlift.

MONDAY, AUGUST 8th, 2011

bench Press: 370+chains(60) x 3 x 5 sets, 320x5x5paused

SWGChins: x 35
Ring Pull Aparts: x 25

Saturday, August 6, 2011

T-Log: WEDaug3-SATaug6

Saturday, August 6th, 2011

BBQ at Crossfit O-town today after the last class (1030-1130) which is when I usually train so I am training very early before the first class at 930.
Up at 630 training at gym by 7:15.

Front Squat: 495x3 x 2 sets  ( I was hoping to do sets of 4 but the weight just felt REALLY heavy on my shoulders today and it was difficult to breath, not sure if it's because I was training so early or if i'm just not as strong as I think I am right now lol)

Safety Hellraiser SQ: 515x3 x 2 sets

1/4 squats: 1035 x 15 reps

Conventional Deadlifts: 650 x 1 x 2 sets

Kettlebell Swings: 3-poot x 25 x 2

Friday, August 5th, 2011

Bench Press: 365x5,5,5,5,4,3,
315 x 5x5 paused

Ring chins x 30
W ring dips x 30
W ring pull aparts x 25
ALL X 3 rounds

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Conventional DL: 645 x 1 x 9 sets
KBS: 3-poot x 25 x 2 sets
GHD Situp: 21 x 3 sets

Wednesday, August 5th, 2011

Bench Press: 365+chains@60 x 4 x 8 sets. 315 x 9 x 3 sets

SWGChins: x 35
W Ring Dips x 30
W ring pull aparts x 23
ALL X 3 Rounds

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

T-LOG: MONjuly25-TUESaug2nd

Monday, July 25th, 2011

Bench: 405 x 7 singles, 325x 9 x 3 sets  ( still nursing the shoulder and just taking it easy)

Ring Chins x 25
w Ring Dips x 25
w Ring Pull Aparts x 23

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Front Squat(no belt): 495 x 3 x 3 sets

Hellraisers: 465 x 5 x 3 sets

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Bench Press: 385 x 3 x 8 sets, 315 x 8 x 4 sets

Ring Chins x 26
w Ring Dips x 26
w Ring Pull Aparts x 23
ALL X 3 Rounds

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Conventional Deadlift: 620 x 2 x 5 sets

GHD Situps: 25 x 2 sets

KettleBellSwings: 3-poot(106lbs) x 25 x 3 sets

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Bench Press: 405 x 1, 425x1, 440x -, 335+chains x 7 x 4 sets, huge drop set 405-365-315-275-225-185-135 rep out

WGSchins x 34
w BP 225 x 25
w Ring Pull Aparts x 25
ALL X 3 Rounds

Saturday, July 30th, 2011

Front Squat: 455 x 5 x 3 sets
Hellraisers: 465 x 5 x 3 sets
Deadlift: 625 x 1 hold

Monday, August 1st, 2011

Bench Press: 405 x 2 x 5 sets, 315+chainsx7x4sets

SWGChins: x34
w Ring Dips: x 30
w Ring Pull Aparts x 25

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Front Squats: 475x 4 x 3 sets

Hellraisers: 485 x 4 x 4 sets

GHP situps: 20 x 3 sets