Ring pushups(press together): x25
Ring pull aparts: 20
Saturday, July 9th, 2011
1/4 squats: 1035 lbs x 16 x 2 sets
Rack pulls(3rd pin): 855 x 7, 8, 3(straps broke)
Safety Squats(no hands): 405 x 8, 8
Walking lunges: x 100
Monday, July 11th, 2011
Bench Press: 320 x 8 x 6 sets
Ring Pushups(click) x 25
Ring pull aparts: x 20
Ring Chins: x 20
Tuesday, July 12th, 2011
I am still not allowing myself to handle anything in the 500 + range for the squat so this forces me to do movements that are more difficult. I am focusing on my quads today with some front squats. This will allow me to see how my rec fem is at the hip insertion because the front squat forces a high degree of hip flexion while at the same time being a quad dominant movement. So hopefully my quad holds up.

Front Squats: 405 x 5, 455 x 3, 455 x 4, 405 x 8
Hellraisers(Safety Squats w no hands): 455 x 4, x3, x3, x3, 315 x 15
Wednesday, July 13th, 2011
Bench Press: 320+60lbs chains x 6 x 6 sets
(Ring Chins: x 20, Ring click tgthr Pushups: x 25, Ring Pull aparts: x 20, 30 second handstand hold) ALL x 5 ROUNDS
Thursday, July 14th, 2011
Conventional Deadlifts: 570 lbs x 6(full stop) x 6 sets
GHD Situps x 20 x 4 sets
Ring Inverted Shrugs: x75, x100
The deadlifts today were very tough. I found the 5th and 6th reps of each set to be much tougher than I had hoped. I think that my back was a little cooked from the Hellraisers on Thursday as my back was rounding a little at the T-spine during my deadlifts. Not a bad week thus far.