Trained in 2 separate sessions today. For no particular reason other than I had stuff to do.
My right hip flexor has been giving me a little bit of trouble lately. I am not 100% sure of the culprit but I do believe it is a combination of not wearing knee sleeves which seems to be causing me to sink too much into my squats, from deadlifting from a deficit which is cramping me up at the start, and possibly even from too much extracurricular activities lately. ;)
Because of this problem I decided to deadlift SUMO today since it didn't seem to hurt during the set up.
Sumo Deadlift: 155x4, 264x3, 374x3, 464x2, 554x1, (add belt) 644x1, 694xfail, 694xfail
Conventional deadlift: 694xfail, 644 x 1 x 5 sets
kind of dumb but i didn't feel like warming up and unloading and reloading i started off at 644lbs
sumo deadlift 644 x 1, conventional deadlift 644 x 1, 644 x 1, back to sumo 644x1, 644x1
Inverted Ring Rows- 30 reps x 3 sets
Upside down shrugs(rings)- 2 sets of 80reps
This was not a planned out work out. I literally just did what I felt like as far as sumos and conventional deadlifts. This is simply because of my hip. Had my hip been feeling great I would not have done ANY sum repetitions, although, I do find that with moderate loads the sumo seems to really move the weight easily. 644lbs sumo moves significantly faster than 644lbs conventional, but this may be due to poor set up from bruised shins and of course my hip flexor being sore.