Sunday, July 29, 2012

T-LOG: MONjuly23-SUNjuly29

Monday, July 23rd, 2012
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 330x5x5
** Prior to each set I perform approx 20-25 rear delt db flys and then stretch the chest for a hard 30 secs.

SA Tricep Extensions x 20 reps
w Bicep curls x 20 reps each arm
X 3 Sets
**Lately I've incorporated some curls because I have had to cut out a lot of pull-ups due to my shoulder injury...and also the shitty ART specialist who did a number on my lat.  I still think training arms is comical and I still find my arms feel much more jacked up after some pull ups....but since a haven't done a pull up in who knows how long.....  garbage.

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
**Starting my new squat and deadlift cycle this week.  Before my competition I am hoping to hit a 700 double or triple and a 720-730 single in the squat.  The deadlift 760-780.  We'll see how the training cycle goes.  For now, at the beginning of the cycle, i just want to get slightly more volume in than the last squat cycle ...with roughly the same weights...  Ie...i did 590x 8 triples and then I skipped a week to 620 triples and did 4 at 610, at least 6 sets would be nice.
Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt) 610 x 3 x 8 sets  (These all felt pretty tight and smooth.  My quads were starting to get sore after the 8th set...and I'm still practicing the art of not being i cut it.)
Kettlebell Snatch prac: 32kg x 15 x 3 each arm
GHD Sit up: 3 sets of 20

Wednesday, July25th, 2012

Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x6x6
** Prior to each set I perform approx 20-25 rear delt db flys and then stretch the chest for a hard 30 secs.

SA Tricep Extensions x 20 reps
w Bicep curls x 20 reps each arm
X 3 Sets

Thursday, July 26th, 2012
Deadlift(kk): (off 2 mats) 155x3, 245x3, 335x1, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1, (drop to floor, add belt) 660 x 1 x 10 sets   *These were feeling alright.  I did 7 singles or so with 675 so I had 10-15 singles at 660 in my head.  After the tenth single my hips were feeling a little i called it a day.  Bright side...low back..solid.
Kettlebell Snatch Prac: 32kg x 15 x 3 each arm
GHD Sit up: 3 sets of 15 reps

Friday, July 27th, 2012

I'm glad that I can somewhat bench again with just a little bit of pain.  I found that on Monday, working with 330lbs, that little bit of extra weight hurt...So instead I've decided to build my volume a little bit with lighter weights that seem to be okay on the shoulder...I'm going to have to add weight very slowly...hopefully I can bench something half decent at Clash for Cash in September.
Bench Press: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x7x7
** Prior to each set I perform approx 20-25 rear delt db flys and then stretch the chest for a hard 30 secs.

SA Tricep Extensions x 20 reps
w Bicep curls x 20 reps each arm
X 3 Sets

Saturday, July 28th, 2012
There was a seminar going on at the gym today.  Agatsu Kettlebell Certification with Shawn Mozen. ... Dynamo Fitness is divided into two bays, one's a powerlifting side, and the other is a crossfit.  The KB cert on the crossfit side...I had to stay quiet while music, no a bulgarian training hall....I thought about going to a globo gym...but the bars are too whippy and I want the weight to be difficult at the bottom(whippy bars fly up) and I also didn't feel like being around a bunch of I opted to train zen..squattin like a monk.  With 680+ on the bar...i wouldn't be able to this...but 640 today... practice practice.

Front Squats: 145x5, 235x3, 325x2
Back Squats: 415x2, 465x1, 505x1, 555x1, (add belt), 595x1, 640 x 1 x 12 sets  **All of the squats felt easy...but they weren't all in a perfect technique...felt myself a little on my toes for many reps today...not worried.
Kettlebell Snatch prac: 32kg x 15 x 3 each arm

I participated in the KB snatch portion of the Agatsu Kettlebell Instructor Certification to learn a little about the movement since I've been incorporating it a lot lately.  TONS TO LEARN AND PRACTICE.  It's always interesting to pick the brain of a person who's specialized in something for a good portion of their life.  I don't care how much someone thinks they know...there is ALWAYS a ton to learn.  

Sunday, July 29th, 2012
Tons of foam rolling on the quads and hips.  Tons of stretching on the shoulders and posterior chain.  I actually did a few sets of 10 in the overhead squat with an empty bar...haven't even tried that in a while...felt alright.
Hung out a little bit at the Kettlebell Certification...trying to absorb a little knowledge...After watching Shawn and his girlfriend, Sarah moving desire to get mobile has been amplified....I fixed a lot of problems in the lower body...the rec fem, the quad issue, the lower back...with a lot of mobility work....I am sure that this shoulder issue is a result of both my love for all chin ups variations and my bench pressing.....It's not like its some grand revelation...kind of a fact that all of us know....we all talk about shoulder problems from the chest and lats being too tight....  but fuck...  at some point ts has to be addressed too.