Monday, December 21st,2010
Bench Press: 395lbs x 5 reps x 4 sets
Ring chins(pull apart): 3 sets of 20
Tricep Pressdown(bands): 4 sets failure
Back squat: 635lbs x 3 reps x 4 sets
Box Jumps: 5 reps x 4 sets
Bench Press: 410lbs x 3 reps x 4 sets
Single arm Tricep Pressdowns(bands): 4 sets to failure each arm
Wide Grip Chins(chest to sky): 3 sets of 25 reps
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
TrainingLog-Dec 17th BP & 18th BIG SQ
Friday, December 17th, 2010
Bench Press(no pause): 135x5. 225x5. 275x3. 315x3. 365x2. 405x1, 430lbs x 1 x 15 sets (paused on last for good measure)
Just working on technique and handling weight since my shoulder was bothering me a few weeks back I am very hesitant to push it too hard. I only benched reps that felt very smooth and fast.
Ring Chins: 2 sets of 20
Tricep Pressdowns with bands: 3 sets to failure
Saturday, December 18th, 2010
FrontSquat: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x2
BackSquat(no belt): 405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 1, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(belt) 585lbs x 1, 635lbs x 1, 665lbs x 1, 690lbs x 1 (video), 690lbs x X(out of the hole strong then lost it forward), 690lbs x 1 ( w spot, Kade touched my chest)
Finished it off with some BOX JUMPS: 5 sets of 5 reps
On Tuesday, I squatted 660lbs for 3 doubles, and on Thursday, I deadlifted 714lbs already feeling beat up from Tuesday....and still benched and did chins M W F......SO BASICALLY, I AM FEELING PUMPED THAT I SQUATTED THIS IN AN OVERTRAINED(or simply non-fresh) STATE........I am feeling very confident about going into the competition in a few weeks with the way things are going..... I'm thinking that a 716-474-749 is within grasp if I can stay healthy and continue to make incremental progress.
Bench Press(no pause): 135x5. 225x5. 275x3. 315x3. 365x2. 405x1, 430lbs x 1 x 15 sets (paused on last for good measure)
Just working on technique and handling weight since my shoulder was bothering me a few weeks back I am very hesitant to push it too hard. I only benched reps that felt very smooth and fast.
Ring Chins: 2 sets of 20
Tricep Pressdowns with bands: 3 sets to failure
Saturday, December 18th, 2010
FrontSquat: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x2
BackSquat(no belt): 405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 1, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(belt) 585lbs x 1, 635lbs x 1, 665lbs x 1, 690lbs x 1 (video), 690lbs x X(out of the hole strong then lost it forward), 690lbs x 1 ( w spot, Kade touched my chest)
Finished it off with some BOX JUMPS: 5 sets of 5 reps
On Tuesday, I squatted 660lbs for 3 doubles, and on Thursday, I deadlifted 714lbs already feeling beat up from Tuesday....and still benched and did chins M W F......SO BASICALLY, I AM FEELING PUMPED THAT I SQUATTED THIS IN AN OVERTRAINED(or simply non-fresh) STATE........I am feeling very confident about going into the competition in a few weeks with the way things are going..... I'm thinking that a 716-474-749 is within grasp if I can stay healthy and continue to make incremental progress.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
TrainingLog-Dec16 DL
I have been feeling pretty run down. My bench felt great yesterday. My squats felt great on Tuesday. Today, my body is very stiff, i did not sleep well, and I think it's due to some CNS fatigue....the point where over reaching becomes overtraining.....although I do not necessarily believe 100% in overtraining...... but thats another topic.
Conventional Deadlifts
(no belt) 264lbs x 3, 374lbs x 2, 464lbs x 1, 554lbs x 1
(belt) 644lbs x 1
714lbs x 1 (slow but good technique)
714lbs x X ( up to knees but felt technique break)
714lbs x X ( same)
714lbs x X
Although I was not completing the lifts, i never hit a grind point or felt as though I was taxing my CNS too hard because as soon as I felt my technique start to break down, or realized the bar was too far in front of me etc.... i simply aborted the lift.... I actually left feeling as tho I didn't do enough at all.
GHD situps ( completely opening up): 20 reps x 4 sets
Upside down Ring Shrugs : 2 sets of 75
Conventional Deadlifts
(no belt) 264lbs x 3, 374lbs x 2, 464lbs x 1, 554lbs x 1
(belt) 644lbs x 1
714lbs x 1 (slow but good technique)
714lbs x X ( up to knees but felt technique break)
714lbs x X ( same)
714lbs x X
Although I was not completing the lifts, i never hit a grind point or felt as though I was taxing my CNS too hard because as soon as I felt my technique start to break down, or realized the bar was too far in front of me etc.... i simply aborted the lift.... I actually left feeling as tho I didn't do enough at all.
GHD situps ( completely opening up): 20 reps x 4 sets
Upside down Ring Shrugs : 2 sets of 75
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
TrainingLog-Dec15 Bench
Back is tight from squats. Head is tired...possible CNS fatigue. But life is good.
Bench Press (no pauses)
135lbsx8, 225lbsx5, 315lbsx2, 365lbs x 1
405lbs x 3 reps. Fast
405lbs x 3 reps. Fast
405lbs x 3 reps. Smooth
405lbs x 3 reps. Smooth
405lbs x 3 reps. Smooth, slow on 3rd
405lbs x 3 reps. Slower, grind on 3rd
Ring Pull Apart chins: 20 reps x 2 sets
Tricep press downs (single arm) using bands: 3 sets to failure each arm
Bench Press (no pauses)
135lbsx8, 225lbsx5, 315lbsx2, 365lbs x 1
405lbs x 3 reps. Fast
405lbs x 3 reps. Fast
405lbs x 3 reps. Smooth
405lbs x 3 reps. Smooth
405lbs x 3 reps. Smooth, slow on 3rd
405lbs x 3 reps. Slower, grind on 3rd
Ring Pull Apart chins: 20 reps x 2 sets
Tricep press downs (single arm) using bands: 3 sets to failure each arm
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
TrainingLog-Dec14 SQ
YES!! wanted to attempt to do 1 set of 3 reps at 660......but coughed right before my i decided to do sets of 2 until grind...because i didnt think i would get three if i tried again. STILL A PR WORKOUT!!
Front squat: 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 315 x 2
Back Squat: (no belt) 405 x 2, 455 x 1, 495 x 1, 545 x 1
(add belt) 585lb x 1, 635lbs x 1,
660lbs x 2 (was about to go for a third rep then started coughing up a storm as i inhaled)
660lbs x 2( best set)
660 lbs x 2( got video, was training by myself, long video)
box jumps '42 : 3 sets of 5 reps
Front squat: 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 315 x 2
Back Squat: (no belt) 405 x 2, 455 x 1, 495 x 1, 545 x 1
(add belt) 585lb x 1, 635lbs x 1,
660lbs x 2 (was about to go for a third rep then started coughing up a storm as i inhaled)
660lbs x 2( best set)
660 lbs x 2( got video, was training by myself, long video)
box jumps '42 : 3 sets of 5 reps
Monday, December 13, 2010
TrainingLog-MondayDecember 13th 2010
Dec 13th 2010
Yesterday was a day off. I did a lot of sitting and doing nothing yesterday so I am feeling pretty decent.
Bench Press:
135lbs x 8, 225lbs x 5, 275lbs x 4, 315lbs x 2, 365 x 1
385lbs x 5reps x 5 sets
Ring Chins: 4 sets of 15
Single Band Tricep Pressdowns: 4 sets of 15 reps each arm
Yesterday was a day off. I did a lot of sitting and doing nothing yesterday so I am feeling pretty decent.
Bench Press:
135lbs x 8, 225lbs x 5, 275lbs x 4, 315lbs x 2, 365 x 1
385lbs x 5reps x 5 sets
Ring Chins: 4 sets of 15
Single Band Tricep Pressdowns: 4 sets of 15 reps each arm
Saturday, December 11, 2010
TrainingLog-DEC 7,8,9,10,11
Today, I was scheduled to squat 645lbs for as many triples as possible(sans grind reps).
Front Squats: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2
Back Squats(no belt): 405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 2, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(add belt)
585lbs x 1, 615lbs x 1,
645lbs x 3 (video, first two easy, last rep slow and on toes and muscled up)
645lbs x 3 ( grind hard on 3 rd rep, calling it a day)
I was hoping to do at least 3 sets of 3 reps with 645lbs but whatever. 3 reps x 2 sets is good enough and still a PR. I have to stick to my no grind rules. I am supposed to deadlift 695 for multiple singles on Thursday and then squat 675lbs for multiple singles on no grinding.
My training is coming closer and closer to that point of diminishing marginal returns as i draw nearer and nearer to my 100% 1RM...if i can do multiple singles on both Thursday and Saturday with this weeks prescribed loads....I will be lifting 99% my PR training 1 RMs....nice.
For the first time in a while my body is feeling a little bit BEAT UP. This is because yesterday's squats were.....heavy. As for my shoulder, it's feeling great.
Bench Press( no pause): 135lbs x 8, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 4, 275lbs x 3, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 2
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
Towel Chins: 5 sets x 12 reps
Tricep Pressdowns(single arm): 4 sets x 12 reps each arm
Convention Deadlifts
(no belt)
264lbs x 3
374lbs x 2
464lbs x 1
554lbs x 1
(add belt)
644lbs x 1
695lbs x 1 (video, didn't lock it out)
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
GHD sit ups(open up completely): 4 sets of 15 reps
I didn't get a lot of sleep due to galavanting last night. I just focused on moving so weight for singles.
Bench Press(no pause)
135lbs x 8, 225lbs x 5, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 2
420lbs x 1 x 17 sets
Towel Chins: 6 sets of 12 reps
Tricep Pressdown : 5 sets to failure
BIG DAY TODAY!! Moving some heavy ass weights.
Front Squats: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2
Back Squats:( no belt)
405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 1, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(add belt)
585lbs x 1
635lbs x 1
675lbs x 1 (rough)
675lbs x 1 ( video, slow but grooved)
675lbs x 1 ( got up, had it...lost it forward...end day)
Box jumps '48: 5 sets of 5 reps
Ring Chins wide pull aparts: 4 sets of 15 reps
Inverted shrugs: 1 sets of 75 controlled reps
Today, I was scheduled to squat 645lbs for as many triples as possible(sans grind reps).
Front Squats: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2
Back Squats(no belt): 405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 2, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(add belt)
585lbs x 1, 615lbs x 1,
645lbs x 3 (video, first two easy, last rep slow and on toes and muscled up)
645lbs x 3 ( grind hard on 3 rd rep, calling it a day)
I was hoping to do at least 3 sets of 3 reps with 645lbs but whatever. 3 reps x 2 sets is good enough and still a PR. I have to stick to my no grind rules. I am supposed to deadlift 695 for multiple singles on Thursday and then squat 675lbs for multiple singles on no grinding.
My training is coming closer and closer to that point of diminishing marginal returns as i draw nearer and nearer to my 100% 1RM...if i can do multiple singles on both Thursday and Saturday with this weeks prescribed loads....I will be lifting 99% my PR training 1 RMs....nice.
For the first time in a while my body is feeling a little bit BEAT UP. This is because yesterday's squats were.....heavy. As for my shoulder, it's feeling great.
Bench Press( no pause): 135lbs x 8, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 4, 275lbs x 3, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 2
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
Towel Chins: 5 sets x 12 reps
Tricep Pressdowns(single arm): 4 sets x 12 reps each arm
Convention Deadlifts
(no belt)
264lbs x 3
374lbs x 2
464lbs x 1
554lbs x 1
(add belt)
644lbs x 1
695lbs x 1 (video, didn't lock it out)
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
GHD sit ups(open up completely): 4 sets of 15 reps
I didn't get a lot of sleep due to galavanting last night. I just focused on moving so weight for singles.
Bench Press(no pause)
135lbs x 8, 225lbs x 5, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 2
420lbs x 1 x 17 sets
Towel Chins: 6 sets of 12 reps
Tricep Pressdown : 5 sets to failure
BIG DAY TODAY!! Moving some heavy ass weights.
Front Squats: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2
Back Squats:( no belt)
405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 1, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(add belt)
585lbs x 1
635lbs x 1
675lbs x 1 (rough)
675lbs x 1 ( video, slow but grooved)
675lbs x 1 ( got up, had it...lost it forward...end day)
Box jumps '48: 5 sets of 5 reps
Ring Chins wide pull aparts: 4 sets of 15 reps
Inverted shrugs: 1 sets of 75 controlled reps
Monday, December 6, 2010

So due to visa issues, I will not competing at the WORLDLIFTING CHAMPIONSHIPS held in Moscow, Russia this December 19th 2010. Basically, I was given a 'tourist' voucher/invitation for an entry visa...but I needed an invitation for a 'business visa' because I am competing and they consider that business. The guy running WORLDLIFTING has not given me the proper documentation as of yet so I am, therefore, not going. Garbage. If the guy at the embassy would have let us just say we were going as tourists then we would have been able to go...unfortunately for me, and honourable of him, he is a man of duty and goes by the book.
TrainingLog-MonDec6th BenchPress
Since I will not be going to Russia Dec 19th anymore I can continue to take it easy on my bench press not worry about lifting heavy with pauses. My shoulder is almost feeling 100 percent.
BENCH PRESS: 135lbs x 8, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 4, 275lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2, 365lbs x 1,
380 lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Towel Chins: 6 sets of 12 reps
coupled w
SingleArm tricep pressdowns: 4 sets to failure each arm
Pretty easy day. Feeling good and healthy.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
TrainingLog-SatDec4: Squat
Wasn't sure how the session was going to go bc I knew it was a tough day I had planned.
Scheduled to squat singles at a load of 660lbs today hopefully getting 3-5 sets in before they start to grind out.......they didn't until the 7th set.
FRONT SQUAT: 135lbsx5, 225lbsx3, 315lbsx2
Backsquat(no belt) - 405lbsx2, 455lbsx2, 495lbsx1, 545lbsx1
(belt) 585lbs x 1
620lbs x 1
66olbs x 1 smooth and easy
660lbs x 1 smooth (see video)
660lbs x 1 smooth
660lbs x 1 ( leaned forward a little bit, took it for granted, still up smooth tho)
660lbs x 1 smooth
660lbs x 1 ( slowed down but no grind)
660lbs x 1 ( bit of a grind in the middle, stop.....great day)
BOX JUMPS '48 : 5 reps x 3 sets
October 2009 in Russia I grinded out a tough 667lbs squat.......Jan 22 at Raw Unity I am going to make my opener no less than 300kg!!
Scheduled to squat singles at a load of 660lbs today hopefully getting 3-5 sets in before they start to grind out.......they didn't until the 7th set.
FRONT SQUAT: 135lbsx5, 225lbsx3, 315lbsx2
Backsquat(no belt) - 405lbsx2, 455lbsx2, 495lbsx1, 545lbsx1
(belt) 585lbs x 1
620lbs x 1
66olbs x 1 smooth and easy
660lbs x 1 smooth (see video)
660lbs x 1 smooth
660lbs x 1 ( leaned forward a little bit, took it for granted, still up smooth tho)
660lbs x 1 smooth
660lbs x 1 ( slowed down but no grind)
660lbs x 1 ( bit of a grind in the middle, stop.....great day)
BOX JUMPS '48 : 5 reps x 3 sets
October 2009 in Russia I grinded out a tough 667lbs squat.......Jan 22 at Raw Unity I am going to make my opener no less than 300kg!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
TrainingLog-Fri Dec 3rd Bench
My back is feeling a little tight from yesterday's Deadlifts.
Shoulder is feeling much better. I felt like handling a little bit of weight today but thought I should still baby the shouler a bit so I did fast touch and go repetitions.
Bench Press: 135lbs x 8, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 5, 275lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2, 365lbs x 2
410lbs x 2 reps x 6 sets
Single arm tricep pressdowns(green band and gymnastic ring) x 3 sets each arm x reps to failure
Towel chins(belly to sky) 6 sets x 10 reps
***** Big squat day tomorrow hoping to demolish 660lbs for multiple singles. Going to crush it!!
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Shoulder is feeling much better. I felt like handling a little bit of weight today but thought I should still baby the shouler a bit so I did fast touch and go repetitions.
Bench Press: 135lbs x 8, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 5, 275lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2, 365lbs x 2
410lbs x 2 reps x 6 sets
Single arm tricep pressdowns(green band and gymnastic ring) x 3 sets each arm x reps to failure
Towel chins(belly to sky) 6 sets x 10 reps
***** Big squat day tomorrow hoping to demolish 660lbs for multiple singles. Going to crush it!!
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Thursday, December 2, 2010
TrainingLog-Thurs Dec 2nd: Deads
My deadlifts have been moving nicely. I am continuing to only work up to singles at static working weight and doing sets until the reps slow down. Over the past few weeks I have been taking jumps of 10-15 lbs each week. 640-650-664 and this week 679.
Conventional Deadlift:
(no belt) 274lbs x 4,
374lbs x 2
464lbs x 1
554lbs x 1
(add belt) 644lbs x 1
679lbs x 1(video, took it for granted)
679lbsx1 (faster, tighter)
679lbsx1(same as set 2)
679lbsx1(similar to set 1)
679lbsx1(slower, out of groove, not sure if slow due to fatigue or poor set up, stop anyways, no grinds allowed)
GHD SIT UPS: open up fully, 3 sets x 20 reps
Upside Down Shrugs: one max set approx 90 reps
Conventional Deadlift:
(no belt) 274lbs x 4,
374lbs x 2
464lbs x 1
554lbs x 1
(add belt) 644lbs x 1
679lbs x 1(video, took it for granted)
679lbsx1 (faster, tighter)
679lbsx1(same as set 2)
679lbsx1(similar to set 1)
679lbsx1(slower, out of groove, not sure if slow due to fatigue or poor set up, stop anyways, no grinds allowed)
GHD SIT UPS: open up fully, 3 sets x 20 reps
Upside Down Shrugs: one max set approx 90 reps
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
TRAINING LOG - Wed Dec 1st
A little taxed from yesterday's squatting session. Did not sleep too well. I think that taking that 1MR over stimulated my me as I am not used to stimulants in any capacity(coffee sometimes messes me up).
So I opted to take it a little bit easier today.
Bench Press: all fast touch and go repetitions with zero grind
370lbs x 5reps x 8 sets
Ring Chins(Belly to sky): 3 sets of 15 reps
Tomorrow is a big Deadlift day. I am hoping to pull around 675ish lbs for 3-5 singles.
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