Saturday, December 11, 2010

TrainingLog-DEC 7,8,9,10,11


Today, I was scheduled to squat 645lbs for as many triples as possible(sans grind reps).

Front Squats: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2
Back Squats(no belt): 405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 2, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(add belt)
585lbs x 1, 615lbs x 1, 
645lbs x 3 (video, first two easy, last rep slow and on toes and muscled up)
645lbs x 3 ( grind hard on 3 rd rep, calling it a day)

I was hoping to do at least 3 sets of 3 reps with 645lbs but whatever.  3 reps x 2 sets is good enough and still a PR.  I have to stick to my no grind rules.  I am supposed to deadlift 695 for multiple singles on Thursday and then squat 675lbs for multiple singles on no grinding.

My training is coming closer and closer to that point of diminishing marginal returns as i draw nearer and nearer to my 100% 1RM...if i can do multiple singles on both Thursday and Saturday with this weeks prescribed loads....I will be lifting 99% my PR training 1 RMs....nice.


For the first time in a while my body is feeling a little bit BEAT UP.  This is because yesterday's squats were.....heavy.  As for my shoulder, it's feeling great.

Bench Press( no pause): 135lbs x 8, 185lbs x 5, 225lbs x 4, 275lbs x 3, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 2
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3
395lbs x 3

Towel Chins: 5 sets x 12 reps

Tricep Pressdowns(single arm): 4 sets x 12 reps each arm


Convention Deadlifts
(no belt)
264lbs x 3
374lbs x 2
464lbs x 1
554lbs x 1
(add belt)
644lbs x 1
695lbs x 1 (video, didn't lock it out)
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1
695lbs x 1

GHD sit ups(open up completely): 4 sets of 15 reps


I didn't get a lot of sleep due to galavanting last night.  I just focused on moving so weight for singles.

Bench Press(no pause)
135lbs x 8, 225lbs x 5, 315lbs x 3, 365lbs x 2
420lbs x 1 x 17 sets

Towel Chins: 6 sets of 12 reps
Tricep Pressdown : 5 sets to failure


BIG DAY TODAY!!  Moving some heavy ass weights.

Front Squats: 135lbs x 5, 225lbs x 3, 315lbs x 2
Back Squats:( no belt)
405lbs x 2, 455lbs x 1, 495lbs x 1, 545lbs x 1
(add belt)
585lbs x 1
635lbs x 1
675lbs x 1 (rough)
675lbs x 1 ( video, slow but grooved)
675lbs x 1 ( got up, had it...lost it forward...end day)

Box jumps '48: 5 sets of 5 reps

Ring Chins wide pull aparts: 4 sets of 15 reps

Inverted shrugs: 1 sets of 75 controlled reps